Run PoshBot as a Service
There are several ways to run PowerShell scripts as a service; We're going to use nssm - it's a bit simpler than some of the alternatives.
- Script that will run as a service
- Latest release of nssm.exe
- PoshBot installed with a configuration to read
- Write the poshbot script that will run as a service. Here's an example saved as
Import-Module PoshBot -force
$pbc = Get-PoshBotConfiguration -Path C:\poshbot\config.psd1
while($True) {
try {
$err = $null
Start-PoshBot -Configuration $pbc -Verbose -ErrorVariable err
if($err) {
throw $err
catch {
$_ | Format-List -Force | Out-String | Out-File (Join-Path $pbc.LogDirectory Service.Error)
Adjust the path as needed - we'll use C:\poshbot\config.psd1
Download nssm, extract
for typical 64-bit PowerShell) -
to create a service. Adjust variables as needed:
$nssm = 'C:\nssm.exe'
$ScriptPath = 'C:\poshbot\start-poshbot.ps1'
$ServiceName = 'poshbot'
$ServicePath = 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
$ServiceArguments = '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File "{0}"' -f $ScriptPath
& $nssm install $ServiceName $ServicePath $ServiceArguments
Start-Sleep -Seconds .5
# check the status... should be stopped
& $nssm status $ServiceName
# start things up!
& $nssm start $ServiceName
# verify it's running
& $nssm status $ServiceName
Your PoshBot should be up and running as a service! You can now start and stop the service like a normal service:
Get-Service PoshBot
Stop-Service PoshBot
Start-Service PoshBot